Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 971: The Complete Working Day!

It was the most productive and satisfying working day I've had post pregnancy.

Here's why:

1) The day started with about 15 minutes of praying - There's this prayer I used to chant a while ago but had taken a break from and today I decided to pick it up again.
2)  I worked hard for 8-9 hours straight in the office.  There was no going late, leaving early, taking breaks, nothing. I was scuttling from one meeting to another and didn't have a minute to spare.
3) I came back and had a good 45 minute session in the gym - 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill and 15 minutes of cycling. I hadn't hit the gym in a while, so this was good.
4) I continued writing my new feature film script, post dinner and got about 6-7 more pages done!
5) Late night walk to the nearby hawker center with the hubby, which was our quality time spent for the day.

I haven't had such a productive working day in ages! Prayers + Work + Exercise + Scripting + Family Time! In my books, that's kinda the most complete a working day can possibly get!

29 more to go.

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