Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 222: The Shukla-Krishnan Quotient

Today had to be a great day. After a very long time (about 2.5 months or so), hubby and I were to spend an entire day together, with no shoot, no other family members, no friends (except a short visit to one friend's place for a quick catch up) and no other commitments. So it was just the two of us with a whole day all to ourselves! And am glad to state that nothing, and I mean absolutely NOTHING has changed over the last 2.5 months. If anyone thought we would get more romantic or would go into a I-missed-this-so-much mode, you could not have been more off-track.

Am glad to say that the Shukla-Krishnan equation is intact. This point shall be well illustrated over the following excerpts from our conversations over the day.

1 pm, Home
Me: Come on, wake up!!! It is already 1 pm and I have been waiting for you to wake up! Do you realize how much of the precious time that we were to have together, has been wasted with you sleeping?!
He: (waking up) Hmm... 2 hours?!
Me: That's a LOT!
He: Technically I wanted to go to bed earlier, but you kept cribbing about some stuff at your work.
Me: Excuse me, you are the one who always cribs about work! Other than occassionaly saying that I have a ton of work, I haven't been cribbing about work for a very long time, so I had to share all my pent up frustrations with you!
He: Yes, and the time you chose to do that was in the middle of the night, when I just got back from a long journey from Sydney.
Me: Fair enough.

2 pm, In a cab to Race Course Road, our location for lunch
Me: I want to eat Chappathis and Gobi Manchurian
He: Who has Chappatis with Gobi Manchurian?! One is north-Indian, the other is Indian-Chinese.
Me: Erm... I do? It's a brilliant combination!
He (bewildered): But.... one is north-Indian, the other is Indian-Chinese!!!
Me: I know. But technically both are made for Indians at the end of the day. So we can surely have them together?
He: Hmph...there will be no restaurant that serves Chappati AND Gobi Manchurian for sure.
Me: Well, Bharat restaurant in Thrissur (my hometown) has both...and very tasty also.
He: That's hardly a restaurant. Great Chinese restaurants Chumfa and Chinmee in (the equally great) Kanpur (his hometown) would never have it! You Mallus really destroy cuisines!

3 pm, Over lunch at Juggis (there was no Gobi manchurian OR Chappati there)
He: Don't worry about the manchurian and chappati. We will make sure you have a dinner that you like.
Me: Awww... so sweet!
He: Don't you think you are being pampered rather unnecessarily?
Me: Erm No? Don't you think you are being pampered rather unnecessarily?!
He: But I deserve it.
Me: Huh? Like, how?
He: Remember how I supported you when you had that technical glitch during last weekend's shoot? You never appreciate these things that I do!
Me: But I already told you that you are my knight in shining armour! What more do you want? You never appreciate the nice things I tell you!

4 pm, Friend's place
Friend's wife complains about something that the friend said.
Friend: She always says things out of context. That's really not what I meant when you put it in the right context!
Me: So what is the right context?
Friend: Oh, I don't remember.
He: This is the problem. These girls always remember unnecessary things that we don't remember and use them against us.
Me: Erm.... you always have the option to remember them yourselves.
He: But I save my mind for positive thoughts only.
Me: Sure.

5 pm, On the cab from friend's place
Me: How much money will make you happy? I mean, when will you feel that you have achieved what you wanted.
He: When I earn $12Million a year.
Me: WHAT?! That's a LOT of money! What the hell will you do with that?
He: I will buy my parents a good house.
Me: They already have a pretty good house, don't you think?
He: I will get them more servants to help them out.
Me: They already have like 8 servants who help them out on a daily basis.
He: Well, then I will appoint more servants to help the current servants.
Me: Ok... all that's fine, even then don't you think $12,000,000 has way too many zeroes than what's really required?
He: Not really. It's not that much money if you really think about it.
Me: Oh well, to me it is. It's way beyond what I can comprehend.
He: If you have more, you can give more... have you thought about that?
Me: Hmph... as if that's your primary intent...Anyway I already give... am pretty good that way.
He: You are not that good.
Me: But better than you for sure.
He: Of course, if that's what you really wanna believe. But if you look deep in your heart, you will know the truth.

6 pm, At the movie place
He: Maybe I shouldn't have the ice-cream. I will put on weight.
Me: True.
He: You think I have put on weight?
Me: Yes. Around the waist.
He: WHAT?!
Me: Ya...! Oh, you haven't noticed!

9 pm, After watching the unanimously loved film, Karate Kid
Me: (In a rather philosophical manner and to get his attention since he was still gloating over that kid in the movie) I think am gonna die.
He: Ya, me too. We all are.
Me: No... I meant pretty soon.
He: Oh, no way. For all the bad things that you do, you have a long time to live and suffer before you move on.
Me: Well, they say that good people are called first.
He: Oh, for how good you think you are, you should have been called 10 years ago.
Me: *simply glares*

10 pm, On the taxi home
Me: (Singing along with Savage Garden from the radio) I wanna stand with you on a mountainnnn... I wanna bathe with you in the seaaaa....
He: You really shouldn't be singing... how many times do I tell you.... bas karo yaarrrrr
Me: (continues ignoring him, and increases my volume) I WANNA LIVE LIKE THIS FOREVERRRR.....
He: (resigning to his fate, joins in) Until the sky falls down on meeee.....

Like I said, the Shukla-Krishnan quotient is intact. Just the way I love it.

778 more to go.


  1. Well.. this one is really cute... a glimpse behind the scenes when we are not ard...good going.. keep up this warm shukla-krishnan quotient...we had a good laugh reading it....
