Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 277: Thiruvonam!

23 August, 2010

Today was the main day of the Onam festivities, called "Thiruvonam" and it had a lot of nice little moments in store for me! Let's do a list!

a) Whole day was spent on taking and making calls and messages on Onam greetings. It is always an annual catch up time with fellow Mallus and relatives! Felt super good.
b) It was also my parents' 29th anniversary, which I had happily forgotten and was duly reminded by my aunt, who happened to share the anniversary as well. So spoke to my folks multiple number of times - to wish for Onam, to wish for Anniversary, and also for general chit-chat.
c) My editor-friend tells me that he completed editing 3 scenes and he is super happy with the output, and that got me really, really excited!
d) A nice bilingual feature film concept is spreading through my brain. This is not going to be an easy one to make because it requires locations outside Singapore and a lot of money really, but no harm in a concept spreading, is there? I always love that feeling when I am thinking about situations and people not part of my real life, but that transports me to their world temporarily. Love it. Love it.
e) Worked for 10 hours straight without even a proper lunch or tea break, and actually felt good about it!?
f) The hubby convinced me that we should priortise the Onam sadya (feast) over yoga. His sudden love for mallu tradition made me wanna cry.
g) Had the sumptuous Onam sadya at Swaadhisht once again for dinner. It was awesome! I think it even tasted better than yesterday!
h) This dinner was immediately followed by Sev Puri and Masala Chai at Kailas Parbat. Yum!
i) Watched Mallu movie 'Moz and Cat'. It was below average but nothing beats watching a Mallu movie on Thiruvonam day. So.

So all in all, I had a wonderful Onam and was all smiles, as indicated by the big smiley ":D" on my gtalk the whole day. Here's to more lovely Onams and to all the lovely fellow-Mallus of the world.

723 more to go.

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