Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 257: Help Flows In

2 August, 2010

Am onto the last week of Mausams shoot and am neck deep in last minute work of all kinds. Hence the upcoming blogs for the next few days will be a couple of sentences at best, summarizing the things that made the day beautiful instead of going into the details. This is just so that I save some much required time and would also spare my eyes and neck etc. to be used for the final critical shoot over the weekend.

So the summary for today: People all around me are rallying to get me the required people for the big shoot this coming Sunday. My dad-in-law in India even contacted a friend of his, to check whether his daughter who is in Singapore can come down and help out! How sweet is that! A few other friends also have taken it upon themselves to gather their friends to make this happen. Touched.

743 more to go.

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