Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 327: A Nice Weekday

12 October, 2010

Today was a weekday I actually enjoyed more than normal. I left home early and took a bus to office as usual. The hubby was also expected to go through his usual routine - wake up relatively late, get ready in a super rush, take a cab and go to his office. Only thing was that today, instead of doing his usual stuff, he called in sick with a headache.

On such rare occasions when the hubby calls in sick, I buy lunch back for both of us and work from home for the rest of the day. And that's what I did today too. I bought back lunch and worked from home for the rest of the day.

After lunch, some medicine and some rest, the hubby was completely fit, so he planned for a tennis session with his friends while I went for a long swim.

Then I started fiddling with my new camera. Shot the boys playing tennis in as many variations as possible. It was quite fun and I already feel like I will make a decent photographer after some trial and error!

The day ended with dinner with the tennis boys, which was also quite fun.

So there. I can't really put my finger what exactly about the day made me feel good but all of the above did play a part. Enough to say that I was happy!

673 more to go.

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