Saturday, July 17, 2010

Days 240 and 241: Ditto

15 Jul & 16 Jul 2010

I actually didn't write any posts for these two days simple because I was too tired to get myself to switch on the computer and think of something to write. But now that I have had some rest, when I sit back and think about it, I realize that what I enjoyed most about these days is exactly what I enjoyed the day before. In fact, all three days were freakishly similar with:

a) Immense amount of work in the office that leaves me with no time get a proper meal, eyes that are constantly watery with the strain and a head buzzing with thoughts leading to fitful sleeping at night.
b) "Me" time in the evening which tries to compensate point "a" above with mindless television watching (only the shows were different), take-out dinner at home and a glass of wine.

So while "a" got me exhausted, "b" was what I enjoyed on all three days. But I guess it is time to get out of that routine because film work is pending and I might just be turning into a couch potato after all.

759 more to go.

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