Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 245: SMS Invite

Just as stepped out of yoga class today, I got a SMS. It basically gave the date and time of a wedding and told me that I must definitely go for it. I was confused to say the least. Who was this person inviting me for a wedding over SMS and I don't seem to have his/her contact on my phone!

A few minutes later I received a call from the same number.

Ah....then it dawned! It was my lovely room mate and friend from almost ten years ago!! And now, she is getting married!!

The last time I saw her was more than two years ago and that explains why I didn't even have her number because I had lost my phone with all the contacts post that. And in her characteristic crazy self, she decided to SMS me first instead of calling!

Anyway, it felt absolutely wonderful to talk to her again! She and I share the kind of relationship where we don't have to talk to or meet each other every other week to keep the closeness and the warmth of our friendship going. Both of us arrived the same day in Singapore from India to do our Junior College, both of us had stayed in the same room for two years, taken similar subjects, got similar grades, loved food (she loved to sleep as well) and in short, had a lot in common. Inspite of both of us being constantly homesick, we had a lot of fun as well!

So today was beautiful because a friend from a long time ago remembered to call me for her wedding. That was very nice! :)

755 more to go.

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