Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 675: The Hostess!

25 September, 2011

It was a pretty quiet day since the in-laws had returned back to India and I had no shoot or anything that major to do other than getting some office work done.

But I got an opportunity to play hostess! You know, the kind that gets guests over and feed them good food and drinks? Yeah, that one (yes, am indeed getting seriously domesticated these days)!

It all started with the hubby wanting to play tennis with his friends. This is a rare but not a never-before event. However what was pretty much a never-before event was that a proper breakfast was served to the tennis boys post their game, at our house! This is all thanks to my dear Jumillah! She made some excellent scrambled eggs and tea and I made a few egg-cheese-sandwiches and did the whole act of serving breakfast to the boys. I think I played the part pretty well by frequently asking whether they had enough, whether I can top up with other things like juices, milk, other flavours of tea, cornflakes etc.

Post this, another friend who had come over to pick up some camera equipment, was also treated to a similar hearty breakfast and exceptional hosting.

Then Jumillah left for her "off-day" but not before she made sure there was enough food to treat a king for lunch.

When it was time for lunch, two friends dropped by and the four of us, including the hubby, had an elaborate meal of rice, potato curry, rajma, cabbage, dahi vada, pickle and juice - Once again, under my excellent hosting skills which was even more intensive now since Jumillah was not around.

At the end of it all, I was super pleased with myself. I didn't realize feeding people was SO much fun!

Am not sure how long this would last but as of today, I really enjoyed playing the hostess!

326 more to go.


  1. good to see your 'jumillah darling' receiving so much of accolades ,acclaim and space in your blogs now...! and being instrumental in bringing about significant changes in your life...

  2. Heard too many praises jumillah already. Feel like trying out her food sometime!
