Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 494: People!

27 March, 2011

Honestly it wasn't a great day. Simply because the work was only inching forward on the sound design. No matter how much the team seemed to work on it, progress seemed way too slow. And needless to say, I had started to panic. There are only a few days left for the screening after all.

But certain events kept me smiling still, thanks to some wonderful people around me.

Every now and then I got a message on email or Facebook or even via a call - encouraging me to carry on, wishing me all the best, saying that they are praying for a successful completion of the film, etc. It made such a difference!

I should specifically mention this teacher from my primary and seconday school in India (yeah, from more than a decade ago!) who took it up as her personal mission to spread the word about Mausams among her contacts in Singapore. Her effort actually got me in touch with some juniors of mine from the school and even those girls were so fantastically supportive! It was very overwhelming, really.

It's like God's way of saying "You are gonna face a real tough time but hey, let me make it a bit better for you by sprinkling a few good souls all around you." Surely, am not complaining for that.

506 more to go.

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