Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 294: The Food, The Edit, The Blog, The Run, The Work

I would call this a productive day. A bit of a downer in terms of some work stuff - some of the work that I had submitted, didn't get approved but I guess things can't always be excellent! But in spite of this downer, am quite happy because there has been a lot of progress in a lot of areas!
a) I have had more delicious Chinese food than I ever thought the Chinese were ever capable of making! It is a complete myth that the Chinese food is bland and without spices. Today I had a lunch that had about 12-14 dishes and at least 8 of them were downright SPICY. These included dishes of chicken, fish, pork, vegetables and tofu. And needless to say, I loved them ALL! So yes, Chinese food has really progressed a lot in my feel-good-things-about-life list!
b) I got some fantastic news from my editor that 90 minutes of Mausams has been edited and what remains is only about another 20 minutes! That is just the MOST-AWESOMEST news! I can't wait to watch the cut but I will have to wait for it until end month because the dude absolutely refuses to share it without me unless he is around when I am first watching the film, so he can personally clarify any questions that I might have. And that means I can watch it only when I meet him in Mumbai end of the month! Tough! But still, it's super-duper exciting!
c) Mausam's publicity manager has put up a post on the film's blog site ( about all the upcoming excitement that one can expect with respect to the movie in the coming months! And I have not been able to read it because I am happily sitting here in China which has in turn, happily cut off the access to half the websites in the world (the other half are Chinese sites, I believe). So I will have to wait until Sunday to get back and read it! Argh! BUT I feel like the publicity and everything else associated with the film have kickstarted and there has been a lot of progress! The excitement is really beginning to build up once again!
d) I actually went for a Run! The grand idea was really to do yoga... but then I was too exhausted for a 1.5 hour drill. I even tried to feel inspired by the yoga mat they have in every room in the hotel but it didn't quite work. So I just decided to hit the gym and did a good 30 min run (by "good", I mean that I ended up panting like a dog and sweating like a pig). Considering I haven't ran in the last several months, I felt quite good about the whole deal.
e) AND after all that excitement for the day, I got down to do some work (rather, some MORE work since I had been working whole day anyway at the consumer research) and I believe I made some reasonable progress there. It kinda repaired the blue-feelings from the above-mentioned work related downer in the morning.
So all in all, a pretty good day.
716 more to go.

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