Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 573: Blink Now.

13 June, 2011

It was an exceptionally chirpy day. For no good reason. Just like you have unreasonably blue days, I guess you also tend to have unreasonably rosy days. Which is, of course, great!

So yes, I was in a really good mood the whole day. I might even go as far as to say that I had a song on my lips throughout!

Work was the usual. In the evening, I had a really good yoga class, I had very good dinner with the hubby and then got back home and sat at my computer for the routine Facebook-ing and other pursuits of wasting of time.

And then, within a few minutes, I got off that unreasonable cloud nine and came back to earth.

"In the blink of an eye, we can all make a difference". Blink Now.

That was the motto of a wonderful initiative taken up by a 23 American girl, Maggie Doyne. from New Jersey. At 23, she is the guardian for 40 orphaned Nepalese children and the founder of a school for 230 underprivileged children. I am not going to write out her story here, because it has been beautifully covered at http://www.dailygood.org/more.php?n=4631. Do watch the video as well to hear Maggie narrate the story herself.

What a girl, my God.

Other than the fact that the story is hugely inspiring, it once again puts things in perspective by showcasing the stark reality of life around us as well as remind us of how much one single person can achieve if he/she puts the mind to it.

Suddenly, the day became special not because I was cheerful throughout but because I was reminded that there is still a lot more to do in life than what's happening now.

427 more to go.

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