Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 349: Poetry!

3 November, 2010

A long weekend is coming up (Fri - Sun) thanks to Deepavali and I was already getting into the holiday mood today! So I got back home a bit earlier than usual and generally chilled out for a while with intermittent work. The whole idea was that I would really relax and refresh myself. After all it had been a few tough months.

However, after a couple of hours at home, I was readily bored. Bored enough to be cranky and a royal pain to the hubby who got home after a while as well. With nothing to do, now that my bit of the movie work was done, I was going out of my mind. So I thought I will do some clearing of files, emails and that sorta mindless work.

In the process I came across a lot of old emails from cast and crew on the film. Emails at the beginning of the auditions, emails post shoot, emails with ultra silly random jokes etc.

And I also came across a "poem" that the hubby had written on the film probably a month ago. I think, at that time, I had not paid much attention to it because I was neck deep in other work but today when I looked at it, I felt it so very well summarizes some of the behind-the-scene drama and fun!

And reading it really made me smile! For the memories that it brought back and for the fact that someone actually bothered to write a poem about the film (even though that someone is my husband... still I think it counts, since I never did ask him to do anything of the sort)!

It has gone up on the unofficial film blog and here is the link to it.

651 more to go.

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