Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 462: Back to Normal!

23 February, 2011

Today life finally got back to normal. The hubby and I have had ridiculous amounts of travelling the last few months... both on business and personal trips and we had hardly spent any time at home as per what would be considered normal. While holidays are fun, with all the excitement at work and even the filme, I have been yearning for some quiet, regular time at home.

I must say that I had been getting back to this regular life to some extend over the last one week, but hubby had continued to travel to multiple countries.

The good news - as of today, he has finally completed his 7-countries-in-1-month travel plans and has promised to stick around in Singapore for a reasonably long time to come. And that makes me feel like things are back to normal now.

Sure, we did get into one of those random fights as soon as he got back home from his trip, but I guess that just made life all the more normal. So yes, that was good.

538 more to go.

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