Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 767: 55th!

It was a totally chilled out day. I did absolutely nothing other than a going for a jog, until the evening.

Then I declared that if I sit at home any longer, am gonna go out of my mind. So the hubby and I went for a stroll around Orchard, mainly around Ion.

After a bit of shopping, an overpriced chicken rice dinner at the foodcourt at Ion and Starbucks tea, we ran out of things to do. That's when the hubby mentioned that there is a nice restaurant and bar on the 55th floor of the Ion. You see, he being the more "happening" one amongst two of us, he knows about these things more than me.

So we went up there to check it out and maybe get something to drink and I realized it was indeed a very beautiful place...! Well, I guess anything at that height oughta be beautiful with all that terrific view, and this was no exception. But even then, I really loved sitting there at that height, watching the view through the fully glass paneled walls and enjoying the flickering lights of the night below! It somehow makes you feel... blessed!

233 more to go.

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