Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Days 739 - 741: Missing Days?!

28 - 30 November, 2011

It's almost like 3 days have gone missing. That's what it feels like because that's how ridiculously busy I had been at work the past few days! I was clocking in about 14 hours on an average each day, with additional hours of emailing, working on presentations etc., that I don't think I even had the mind space to wonder whether my day was beautiful or not!

But I am OK. I am pretty happy, in fact. I am exhausted, sure, but I feel good. Which should mean that all the days were good. Busy but beautiful!

So yes the days are almost like they went missing. But they were beautiful missing days.

259 more to go.

P.S. Am adding this as an afterthought. I managed to think back and realized that there were a few things I did rather enjoy about the days. The late night scrambling for sandwiches in the office pantry on 28th, the video conferencing meeting (that always seem to give me this great feeling that am using such "high-tech" stuff) on 29th and last but not the least, the wonderful training session on 30th - it was one of those where they share a lot of inspirational brand building case studies, something that I always love. So well the days are not altogether missing from my memory... but well not changing the initially written content above because well... what's really the point?!

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