Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 214: Mom & Switches

20 June, 2010

Today we shot a few scenes at my place, which is the set of the protagonist's home. The shots were mostly at night, and the scenes were some conversations in the bedroom between the protagonist and her husband (who happens to be my hubby in real life).

Since it was just me, the hubby and the heroine involved in this scene, I decided to ask my mom for some help. Basically the scene required the light in the bedroom to be switched on and off a couple of times, by the heroine. However, the heroine's spot on the bed is too far from the light switch... so the trick we used was that she will reach out of the camera frame as if she is switching off the light but it is actually my mom, who is at a different spot and out of frame, who would actually switch it off.

After this clever plan was made, we proceeded to shoot.

After about 5 takes, my mom got bored. She said, "Can these people get their shot right? How many times am I switching this light on and off?!"

Sensing my mom's impatience, the hubby and heroine decided that they will give their best shot and that would hopefully be the last shot.

Heroine: "Come on yaar... let's do it... aunty is getting mad."

Hubby: "Yeah... am more worried as to why she is OK about seeing me in a bed with some other woman other than her daughter, my wife".

Mom (not listening to a word in the conversation and tapping her fingers from the long wait): "OKKKK..... "

Both of them immediately get back to focus and deliver another take. I didn't approve it.

Me: "One more take."

Mom: "Uff OHH.... at this rate, the switch will get spoiled by the time these people figure out their act right!"

Heroine: "Come on yaar... let's do it... PROPER this time!"

Hubby: "Am sleepy already"

This went on for another 10-15 minutes and then I was happy with the shot and we wound up.

Not only did we make some progress but it was awesome fun having mom as the spot boy or switch-girl this time! After a break, when we had to shoot the next scene, I realized that we needed her services one more time to switch off the light.

Me: "Amma.... can you please help out one more time?"

Mom: "Only if those two can get it right in one take!"

We got it right in about 7 takes.

786 more to go.

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