Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 20: Whrrrrrrrr

My head is buzzing. It's like I can hear it go whrrrrr.... All I have been doing is thinking and thinking and thinking. Some say that the human brain has endless capacity. Either am not human or my brain is defected. Mine goes whrrrrr..... surely that happens when it has limited capacity?

So what have I been thinking of? I shall just summarize... a) Work work work - am working all day and at night I have calls to make, should I sleep in between? should i stay awake and continue working? am I really on track to my deadlines? do I really have any clue what I am doing? b) Casting woes for film - who shall I cast? I don't have enough respondents to my casting call, without critical mass how shall I hold auditions? what will I do if I dont get someone suitable for every role? what will happen to my script then? should I sell it? would anyone buy it? c) New thread for a script - friend shares a dream she saw, I see potential for a film but based in India!, wait a min - it can be based in singapore with some tweaks!, oh let's do it even before the feature film!, who will handle the camera?, when shall i make it? who will act? are we again back to casting woes? d) Blog - what will I write? what if am sleepy and dont wanna write? what if I sleep fitfully today as well? I dont wanna go to work at 10 am anymore! I used to be a 8:30 am person... and then blah and blah and blah...... it went on and on and on.

But soon it was 10pm and I had to see the positive side of this day in my quest for 1000 days of positivity. And believe it or not, I have. So here we go:
a) Work work work - I am done with all my night calls, and I have sent out every single document I was supposed to, and I am on track. I still dont have much clue what I am doing, but I guess that's what they call the learning process.
b) Casting woes - Not really a woe anymore, cos I have actually gotten some response. I also managed to put up the audition materials after a back breaking 2-hour long process of selecting suitable monologues. As for selling the script and not making it myself, a friend pointed out "It's your baby and don't send your baby to the least not at this stage." He had a point there.
c) New script - I have found the cinematographer. At least that part is done. We will figure out the rest later. But I love the idea and I think it will make a pretty decent film!
d) Blog - Weeeeeee...... am just a few words from completing it for today.
e) OK this was not part of my list above, but still I just realized that today was Monday and I didn't have any blues because I was so darn busy thinking.

So there. It was a productive day. My brain's still buzzing, so am gonna meditate for a while which, I believe, would effectively ask it to just shut up.

980 more to go.

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