Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 679: Yet Another "Cracked-It"!

29 September, 2011

I have been having an incredibly challenging time at work as some of my posts over the last few months would indicate. But good news is that I had somehow managed to turn around things - i.e. at least bring them to an upward curve vs. the downward spiral everything seems to be heading in; starting from some time in July - maybe around the time of this post here.

However one project, even though being a low priority one, had been bugging me for a while now. Somehow the team was not being able to bring any structure to it and it was just being put away endlessly. It was an analysis project, so I was also not getting much time to sit on it and think through and given its low priority, I would admit that I had been procrastinating considerably as well. Nett, it wasn't going anywhere.

But today I finally decided that enough was enough and it was really time that something was done about it. So I blocked the day off and cancelled all my meetings and just sat down to think and think and think some more.

After the thinking, I started the writing... and after writing out a few different ways of handling the analysis, I finally got something that looked like it would work. That gave me a lot of hope!

I put together a document with my thinking and sent it to my boss, with all my fingers and toes crossed. If she thought it was sub-standard, that would mean complete waste of an entire day.

Instead she said, "Love it!" And there comes cloud no. 9!

There is a LOT of work still to be done... but for today, I totally cracked what I meant to!


321 more to go.

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