Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 530: Of Catch Ups & Such!

1 May, 2011

It was one of those super nice days for several reasons!

a) It's a Sunday but one which had a non-working Monday following it, which just made it a LOT MORE nicer than usual!
b) Started with a good early morning yoga, together with the hubby whom I managed to coax into joining.
c) Met up with a good friend, who also happened to be my colleague and my partner in crime in two of my productions - Kathaah (she was my asst. director) and Mausams (she was the publicity manager). Over an awesome cup of Masala chai at her place, we finally "caught up", something which we had not done in a long while!
d) Then I had another catch up, this time with a friend whom I had not caught up with for more 10 years! We were roomies in Junior College in singapore for 2 years. After that both of us went our own ways and used to bump into each other very rarely. Now both of us are married, and we decided that it was high time we caught up. So did just that.
e) Caught up with yet another friend, who would soon be making his way to IIM in India and probably would be bidding goodbye to Singapore for good.
f) I spent the entire day outside, with all the catch ups and yoga and a bit of shopping as well - which was a welcome change from yesterday when I was cooped up in my house the whole day.
g) I learnt that I enjoy company and catch ups more than I admit to myself.

470 more to go.

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