Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Days 439, 440 & 441: Unbelievable!

31 January, 1 & 2 February, 2011

If I had not already gone through it, I would have said it is absolutely impossible to complete all the work I had to in the last 3 days, before going on my holiday. There was an unbelievable mountain of things to sort through both at work and office and I really struggled, to be honest. But hey, here's the good news...

Have I completed every last thing I had to do at work before I leave? - Yes!
Is the teaser for the film on track for release as soon as I get back? - Yes!
Is the film ready for censorship submission? - Oh hell, YES!
Am I feeling exhausted, absolutely and completely drained? - Yes, very much so.
Am I feeling good nevertheless?- YES, unbelievably so!

And now its time for Australia and New Zealand!

559 more to go.


  1. Have a fab trip! And gimme tips on NZ when you get back...we're planning a trip later this yr! :)

  2. Congratulations on your ridiculous productivity - inspiring stuff :)Enjoy your holiday, you've earned the time off!

  3. Thank you ladies! :)

    Cha - Will definitely do! :)
