Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 355: Storm Before the Calm

Tomorrow is my last day in office before I take 1.5 weeks off from work. But as it always is, I have been working at breakneck speed, rushing from one meeting to another, clearing document after document, email after email and literally panting to catch up with all that I have to do before I can leave for my holiday. It's almost as if the whole universe will collapse if I don't finish up these things and disappear for 1.5 weeks.


I loved it! I guess it is easy to love something difficult when you know it won't last anyway. So I enjoyed all that rush and felt super satisfied with all that I have accomplished through the day. The more things I got done, the more ready I felt for the trek!

I still have to get back to work after I post this blog... but I still am smiling. So it's all good. One more day and am off! This storm would totally be worth the calm that's about to come (hopefully)!

645 more to go.