Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 5: Missed the Annoying Hubby

This is the first time ever that both my husband and I are neck deep in work travel at the same time and have not seen each other for a while. When am back from a trip overseas, he is usually around and he usually says "Great to have you back!".

Now, now before you go "Oh that's so sweet" and stuff, let me make it very clear that the niceties end just there. In fact, when I got back from U.S a few weeks ago, I called him up and asked him to come down and help me with the luggage. He said, "Why?! Am like.. sitting in the house. Just get it yourself na!". So.

Also, usually whenever am back, I glow when he says "Great to have you back" but this glowing feeling is very quickly displaced by complete annoyance. This is a result of a) Open packs of chips on the couch and leftover mcDonalds on the floor, b) Piles of clipped nails waiting to be cleared on the computer desk, c) Lights and air-con remaining switched on in every single room, d) Pile of his mail that I would have left for him to look at, but are still unopened e) Fact that he has not checked the post ever since I left town, f) A kitchen flooding with egg shells because apparently those ward off lizards (and the knowledge that he didnt exactly consume these eggs but threw them drown the drain to collect the shells)...etc. etc. etc.

But when I got back from Japan yesterday night, he was not around and my house was in exactly the same condition as I left it. And then I realised that I missed him and also the chance to tell him how annoying he really is.

And now that I have declared this on a public forum, I have a strong sense of foreboding. Damn.

995 more to go.


  1. one of your short films could be about this. Kinda like a flash back compared with present day.

    Loving your short video clips btw.


  2. Thanks Akilesh! :) Yes, you are right... there is potential for a film here.. :)

  3. When you told me that you had written about Shivanu I instinctively felt that you missed him when you returned home. The cliche 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'is no wonder true. This one was really sweet and touching and as rightly suggested by Akhilesh is a perfect theme for a film...the messed-up house was so vividly and picturesquely described ...great for a short film.

  4. :) Haha, next time you nag him abt the mess, he'll remind you of this post ;)
